The Dresden EBIS-A combined with a Wien Filter at KAERI / KOMAC will serve as a charge breeder for short-lived radioactive isotopes to be post-accelerated with a radiofrequency quadrupole structure.
DREEBIT has delivered a Dresden EBIS-A combined with a Wien Filter to the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute KAERI. The ion source will be used as a charge breeder at the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex KOMAC situated in Gyeongju, Korea, for short-lived, exotic radioactive isotopes to be post-accelerated with a radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) structure. At the moment, the ion source is installed at a test bench including a dipole magnet as a charge state analyzer and a Faraday cup for characterization purposes.
A High Performance Permanent Magnet Electron Beam Ion Source
A Compact Setup for Precise A/q Separation